Who knew?

I was chatting to a colleague last week and talk got around to South East Qld’s possible multi – city bid for the 2032 Olympic Games. Whilst discussing the impact hosting an Olympics would have on Brisbane and surrounding areas, the conversation turned to Lake Wyaralong. I was not aware that Lake Wyaralong is purportedly one of only two venues in the world to have a 10 – lane, 2000m international – standard rowing course.

The lake already hosts major regattas – with the Brisbane Schoolgirls’ Rowing Association weekly winter competition concluding with the annual Head of the River last weekend.  These events bring large numbers of families to the area every weekend.

Should SE Qld be successful in its Olympics bid, one would imagine Lake Wyaralong to be an obvious choice of venue for rowing and water – based events. This would deliver enormous benefits to our local community and what a way to showcase our beautiful Scenic Rim to the world. Fingers crossed.

– Danny Bukowski

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Who knew?